It all started in 1963...
Three families (The Washburn's, William's & Luke's) led by Pastor Wilfong founded a small church in Citrus Heights California on Auburn Blvd across from the Sylvan Cemetery. In 1968, the church purchased it's current piece property on Whyte Ave, built the two front buildings that house the kids ministry and the MP room and then in 1974, built the sanctuary building where it stands now.
In 1978, the church broke off from the Pentecostal Church of God denomination and established itself as an independent local church with Dean Bruner, Howard Harris and Gordon Burnett as the team of presiding elders. In 1985, Barry White stepped in as an interim pastor until Tommy Wardle took the leadership from 1985 to 1990. That year, Randy Luke became the Lead Pastor. Matt Dittemore was officially ordained an added to the eldership as a teaching pastor in 2018. Currently the church is led by Randy Luke, Gordon Burnett and Matt Dittemore.
In 1978, the church broke off from the Pentecostal Church of God denomination and established itself as an independent local church with Dean Bruner, Howard Harris and Gordon Burnett as the team of presiding elders. In 1985, Barry White stepped in as an interim pastor until Tommy Wardle took the leadership from 1985 to 1990. That year, Randy Luke became the Lead Pastor. Matt Dittemore was officially ordained an added to the eldership as a teaching pastor in 2018. Currently the church is led by Randy Luke, Gordon Burnett and Matt Dittemore.
Expanding the vision...
The story of Living Way Community Church is genuinely a story that says more about God than it does about anyone else. During our six decades of existence as a church, God has used this body to send missionaries, plant churches and support gospel works in this country and throughout the world. Living Way Community Church has been a hospital for the injured, an anchor of truth for the storm tossed, a sanctuary of worship for the glory of God and a launching pad for saints and soldiers ready for battle.
By God's grace, we will continue to be a a place where the supremacy and sufficiency of the Bible is proclaimed; where Christ is honored above all; where broken people can grow in faith and faithfulness and become the committed followers of Christ that he has called us to be.
By God's grace, we will continue to be a a place where the supremacy and sufficiency of the Bible is proclaimed; where Christ is honored above all; where broken people can grow in faith and faithfulness and become the committed followers of Christ that he has called us to be.
Where we are headed...
LWCC has a rich history, a growing present, and a vibrant future. It is a caring family, an active body, a church where "the manifold wisdom of God is being made known" (Ephesians 3:10).
We want to offer ourselves to God in heartfelt worship and live by his Word through expository preaching and small group discussions inside gospel communities. We want to join His mission in the world as each person uses the gifts that Christ has given. Our prayer is that through us the gospel might reach into our neighborhoods and nations, transforming our own lives, families, and broader communities. We long for that great day when "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea" (Habakkuk 2:14).
Soli Deo Gloria.
We want to offer ourselves to God in heartfelt worship and live by his Word through expository preaching and small group discussions inside gospel communities. We want to join His mission in the world as each person uses the gifts that Christ has given. Our prayer is that through us the gospel might reach into our neighborhoods and nations, transforming our own lives, families, and broader communities. We long for that great day when "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea" (Habakkuk 2:14).
Soli Deo Gloria.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather at 10:30am to worship and make much of Jesus!